iPulse is a remote monitoring service for billing and diagnosing potential faults.

With wireless communications, Intatec and the metering company can see usage traits and diagnose issues which may arise within the unit or identify a fault with the district heating system, causing the HIU to run ineffectively.

With an instantaneous connection, iPulse allows the operator and its partners to monitor HIUs in real-time. This provides easy commissioning and optimisation of each network to improve efficiency and overall reliability to each HIU.


Heat Interface Unit

Heat Interface Control with




Comms Module

iPulse is the center control point which enables the operator to manage and monitor heat networks:


Using this data, the metering partner can reduce energy costs to the system user. Early adopters of iPulse have already reported savings of up to 24%.

When using Inta’s HIPER II Heat Interface Unit,
environmental codes (from the Heat Network), planned maintenance visits and system faults can automatically communicated with the help of iPulse, allowing for a speedy resolution.

Sharing data in this way will improve overall efficiency of the HIU for all occupants, helping reduce energy usage and save on living costs. Inta are in partnership with three leading companies within the billing industry, but whichever is chosen, iPulse ensures that all operating data is shared by all.

The iPulse dashboards give an accurate representation of connect heat networks, locations and operational statuses of the devices connected. With this technology, operators, consultants and manufacturers have the opportunity to optimise and improve products and systems, which will lead to design improvements.

Dashboards – Ability to monitor multiple HIUs. Showing address, unit serial number and live statues.

Locations – Zoom in to find locations of installed units.

Live updates. HIU operation status by address.

Data. Current and historical operational information.

General. Serial number, installation date and
operational status at a glance.

Property. Energy use, settings and alerts.

Monitoring. Diagnosing faults and linking alerts
to engineers.

Managing. Remotely configure HIU operation.