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What is a ‘Centralised Management Package’?

iPulse is a package  Product and Providers

iPulse enables you to make your heat network smart. Allowing you to use data to actively monitor and manage your heat network. 

Our iPulse technology allows you to collect data from meters and network assets (HIU, boilers, heat pumps) and allows you to remotely interact with them. Allowing you to remotely commission and optimise them to improve efficiency and operation reliability. 

The data from iPulse can also be used to provide innovative billing. Allowing for operators to protect revenues and as such reducing energy costs to residents. 

Benefits & Operation

  • Year on year Improved network efficiency, improving running costs for operators and users.
  • Proactive visits ensuring that residents are not affected by outages. Cases where plant and equipment have gone down have been resolved before residents have become aware. 
  • Allows for realtime billing
  • Provides manufacturers information to optimise and improve products. 
  • Helps builders and consultants understand how energy systems they design in the buildings work. Allowing them to improve design. 
  • Ensures properties are being supplied with the most optimal heat and hot water
  • Can be used to check key parameters (legionnaires, system error codes etc)
  • The product is completely wireless and is seamlessly integrated with the HIU. Allowing for realtime readings of 1,000s of HIU’s and meters. Allowing for any unit to be remotely diagnosed from anywhere in the world. Allowing for faults to be resolved remotely and engineers having the necessary components and tools to resolve issues which require visits. 
  • Any setting or parameter from the unit can be read and updated. 
  • Allows for any parameters or any information to be collected from the energy network. . 
  • Alerts to component failure in the HIU as a Fault Code
  • Alerts to system problems with error codes, example inefficiency by blocked filters or PHE, or reports inefficient high return temperatures etc
  • Allows for networks to be optimised to reduce the energy require to heat properties. 
  • Allows for data to be collected to allow for improved design. 
  • Reduces cost to residents so helps prevent fuel poverty
  • Additional devices can be added to the system. CO2 and vOC* for health. Humidity for damp detection. 
  • *Volatile Organic Detectors are available and also with development could be linked in with further development.

Inta does not provide the billing infrastructure.

Leaving the network operator free to select their own choice.

Hiper II is the only HIU on the market that has the capability to work with iPulse!

Its’s unique electronic controller is Modbus enabled and iPulse links this with the meter and billing provider and service teams

HIUs being remotely monitored gives the operator or maintenance service engineers has been the long term objective for making an interface unit that is electronically controlled rather than thermostatic.

Electronics enable monitoring, and with information that the electronic controller uses to control stable operating temperatures and self diagnostics the network operator is able to manage the efficient operation of the network and each interface unit remotely.


A manufacturer and billing services provider are different entities, so reliable partnerships have to be forged.


But if these partnerships rely on ‘exclusivity’ agreements then the manufacturing sales team’s movements would be ring fenced and the number of viable opportunities reduced.


Some operators and customers may feel that losing the option of using billing services of their choice is a limiting factor, and want to have the option of flexibility so that is satisfied with the chosen service in the future change.

Having the option to do that is important in the selection of service providers.

The Inta iPulse packages allow flexibility in choice, and provides a FULL range of services from support in HIU selection through all the stages of sales, installation, commissioning, warranty support and servicing to the annual customer billing for heat used and monitoring of the units and network ultimate efficiency.

Billing Services Providers use their own marketing strategies, but can freely name the Hiper II HIU as their chosen interface unit. The software packages are tested and designed for the Inta controller so it would be very difficult and inconsistent for them to use a different HIU, the HIU would have to have an Inta controller.



Installers and Merchants – Customers and sales of HIU and Accessories

Clients – Developers and Network Operators  – Customers of Billing Providers and potential Inta clients

Consultants – specification

  • To allow the Heat Network Operator to monitor the heat network with full visibility.
  • Maintain efficiency of the Heat Network.
  • Improve energy usage management.
  • Run the network at its most efficiency to reduce energy bill for end users.
  • Provide the best service possible with monitored maintenance
  • Flexibility with plans the deliver a package best suited to the Network Operator (or Client)
  • Continued and annual energy management reviews to work to a net zero carbon future.
  • Provide minimum interruption for end users.
  • Reduce annual heat network running costs.

Key Components

  1. Hiper II HIU
  2. iPulse Electronics box (the hardware part of the package)
  3. The Heat Meter (supplied with the electronics box)
  4. Gateway / Router

 The iPulse Electronics Box.

The additional electronics box that provides the flow of information between the HIU the Gateway which provides the internet connection for the Monitoring Plan. This will take the form of a connection box which will be mounted outside the HIU, possibly on a wall mounting bracket. This box will be wired to the Modbus connection in the controller and also linked to Heat Meter mBus to read primary flow rates.

Metering and Billing Package.

The Monitoring Plan

The client’s expectation for the monitoring plan will drive the choice of the Billing Provider.

On selection of the Monitoring Plan, the associated Electrics Box can be added to the HIU.

It is important that the Billing Provider wins the approval to supply the Billing Package.

Without that the Monitoring Package is not possible. The network operator can chose a billing Provider of their choice from a list of those approved by Inta.

The Billing Provider duties are;

  • Present and have approved the Billing Package to the Client
  • Commission the data collection services with transfer to the Cloud.
  • Provide on-going Billing services as an agreed package.

 Billing Services examples

  • Monthly tariff billing of all units with e-billing as standard
  • Account and billing information available 24/7 on smart device
  • Credit, pay as you go or pre-payment available on any unit and can be remotely changed Remote disconnection on credit and when vacant
  • Multiple payment channels
    Fixed display screen available per property as optional extra.
  • Open data protocol allowing change of billing provider