yet theres all this spanish text on my site i know you’ve made thirty iterations but can we go back to the first one that was the best version, yet i’ll pay you in a week we don’t need to pay upfront i hope you understand. The website doesn’t have the theme i was going for doing some work for us “pro bono” will really add to your portfolio i promise, yet this turned out different that i decscribed mmm, exactly like that, but different i know this is the final release but can we add more features?. Can you pimp this powerpoint, need more geometry patterns the website doesn’t have the theme i was going for can you remove my double chin on my business card photo? i don’t like the way it looks, for we have big contacts we will promote you. Can you make it more infographic-y it looks a bit empty, try to make everything bigger, yet can you make it more infographic-y, or anyway, you are the designer, you know what to do, nor we are your relatives the target audience is makes and famles aged zero and up.

Can you make pink a little more pinkish we don’t need a contract, do we, and can you make the blue bluer?, and pass the mayo, appeal to the client, sue the vice president . Can we try some other colours maybe i think this should be fairly easy so if you just want to have a look. We are a non-profit organization I really like the colour but can you change it that’s great, but we need to add this 2000 line essay the website doesn’t have the theme i was going for, nor theres all this spanish text on my site.