As an innovative manufacturer of products which can help maximise the efficiency of plumbing installations, Intatec is approved to ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 9001 in respect of its operational standards.


TMV2-designated thermostatic mixing valves are compliant with BS EN 1111:2017 (high pressure) and/or BS EN 1287:2017 (low pressure) and are used in domestic properties or other domestic type situations to reduce the risk of scalding.


TMV3-designated thermostatic mixing valves are verified as compliant with the performance specification D 08 for valves used in high-risk areas of health care premises.

This robust performance-based specification ensures the safety of vulnerable people including children, older people, those with reduced mental capacity and users who are unable to react to prevent injury while washing or bathing.

Gaining approval from WRAS, the Water Regulations Approval Scheme, is an easy way to demonstrate compliance with water fittings regulations1. We certify plumbing products and materials in the UK following rigorous tests in accredited laboratories – and consumers trust us.

1 Water Fittings Regulations’ refers to The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999, The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2009 and The Water Supply (Water Fittings) (Scotland) Byelaws 2014.

The UK’s Test Regime for Heat Interface Units has been developed to assess the UK’s heat network operating parameters. It is an important step to raise the performance standard of the HIU market and improve the overall performance of UK’s district heating schemes.

Low temperature test results°C
Standby VWART39
Space Heating VWART37
Overall result30
High temperature test results°C
Standby VWART38
Space Heating VWART40
Overall result30

We work with specifiers, architects, fitters and residents to develop efficient and high perfomance systems.

View our range of heat interface units (HIUs) that meet the needs of the UK and internationally.

Find out more about Inta’s approach and history.